If your personal finances have taken a severe hit because of the economic crisis, it would be a great idea...
Stephanie B. Sanders
The growth of home schooling in the U.S. has exploded in recent years. The reasons for this are many, but...
1. Rank all of your schools according to their rankings nationallyThe first thing that you need to do is to...
One of the most difficult skills to master as a teacher is classroom management. Unfortunately, if you can not master...
This article focuses on Rooibos, a plant used to produce a drink known as South African red tea, or just...
Riddle me this: We trust our teachers with the education and well-being of our children for the majority of their...
Let's look beyond the mask.Homeschool parents and students must be looking at the problems traditional schools are facing with no...
Many Republicans celebrated Ronald Reagan's hundredth birthday as he is considered a unifying figure who skillfully blended principle, pragmatism, and...
Learning theories in general are derived from the way theorists interpret human nature and how human beings learn.Among the theories...
"School Security" (Day Care facilitates can also be included)School security can vary greatly from school to school. There are many...